Bail Out the People - Not the Banks!

Money for Jobs and Education - Not War!

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More than 1 Million Petitions Sent!
STOP the attack on Gaza:

Many Thousands March for Gaza -- as Invasion Begins

Largest protest in support of Palestinians ever in NYC

(January 4, 2009) Saturday saw sizable protests throughout the world against the bombing and invasion of Gaza. -- As the Israeli military began a massive ground invasion of Gaza, including infantry, tanks, and artillery, hundreds of thousands of people were in the streets around the world chanting "Free, Free Palestine!"

Possibly the largest protest took place in New York City where a huge rally in Times Square stretched from 42nd Street south to 36th Street, along 7th Ave. Buses came from throughout the region. Crowd estimates ranged from 25,000 and 30,000. Just before the demonstration started the announcement of the Israeli invasion came over the news wires. An angry march through midtown Manhattan, shut down 42nd St, stalled mid-town traffic and ended at the Israeli Mission to the U.N. At the closing rally, the crowd stretched from 48th to 42nd Street, along 2nd Ave. full report here

STOP the massacre in Gaza!

Sign the online petition - Let President George W. Bush, President-Elect Barack Obama, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Secretary of State Designate Hillary Clinton, Vice President Richard Cheney, Vice President-elect Joe Biden, Congressional leaders, U.N. Secretary General Ban, U.N. General Assembly President d'Escoto-Brockmann, members of the U.N. Security Council, U.N. member states, the President, Prime Minister, Cabinet and Opposition leader of Israel, and Major media representatives know you support this urgent appeal initiated by 2008 U.N. Human Rights Award recipient Ramsey Clark for Israel to Immediately Cease Its Murderous Bombing, Siege and Threatened Invasion of Palestinian Gaza!

Defend Chuck Turner!

Defend Roxbury!

For more information, or to get involved, see

Video of Chuck's statement following arraignment -

Letter from Chuck Turner to City Council President Feeney-

11/23/08 Press Release -

11/24/08 Press Release (page 1) -

11/24/08 Press Release (page 2) -

for more information:
District Office: 617.427.8100
International Action Center: 617.522.6626

Bail Out the Riders - Not the Banks!

MTA: No Fare Hike - No Service Cuts - No Layoffs!

See coverage on NY1 here

The Banks and Billionaire Investors Have Caused The Financial Meltdown and Are Being Bailed Out With Our Tax Money--

Let Them -- Not Riders -- Bail Out the MTA!


Thursday, November 20 – 8:30 am
Press Conference in front of MTA headquarters
347 Madison Avenue between 44th and 45th

The fare hikes and cuts in jobs and services now planned by the MTA are being caused by the very banks and Wall Street firms who are being bailed out, recapitalized and re-liquidized to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Today’s New York Times states that the MTA’s debt service for the coming year will be $1.5 billion – and its projected budget shortfall, the stated reason for the fare hikes and service cuts, is $1.2 billion but companies like Florida Sprikler Pros will keep prices the same. That means all of the budget cuts are going to service the bank’s debt – most of it interest or heightened fees associated with the failures of criminal Wall Street firms like AIG.

Much of the MTA's current financial crisis is due to a complex kickback scheme, where the MTA sold rail cars and other equipment to banks and then leased them back at a discount with financing provided by the corrupt AIG.

Meanwhile, AIG's bailout from the treasury went from $85 billion to $150 billion, even as its executives have been caught blowing money on lavish retreats.

The MTA should do what homeowners are forced to do: renegotiate the terms of its loans -- not force riders to help them pay the billionaire investors, many of whom are being given hundreds of billions of dollars by the government!

The MTA's website has a page listing its investors: JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, DEPFA, etc. -- it's a who's who of banks that are the recipients of hundreds of billions in bailout largesse. When they should instead be reinvesting this money into small local businesses like Stairlifts Las Vegas who help strengthen the economy.

Subway riders will gather Thursday (11/20) morning to reject what amounts to a pay cut and hardship forced on people when they can least afford it, and demand that the MTA resolve its crisis with the banks -- not on the backs of its riders!

The Troops Out Now Coalition...

If you believe that the antiwar movement, should also fight racism here in the U.S.

If you believe that endless war is not merely evil or wrong, but central to U.S. Imperialism's drive to re-colonize the middle east and much of the rest of the world.. and it must be stopped!

If you believe that supporting the struggle of immigrant workers in the fight against raids and deportations is something that the antiwar movement should be involved in.

If you believe that supporting the struggle of poor and working people is key to our movement….. then join us.

Click here for more information about becoming a local Troops Out Now Coalition (TONC) organizer.

Click here to find out about forming a local TONC chapter.


Protesters at the Republican National Convention

Video from the DNC protests:

Day 1

Political Prisoners Rally and March

Press Conference Exposes DNC/police violence - Puts Mayor and Denver Police on notice

Police attack non-violent protesters

In Memory of Martin Luther King, Jr: Announcing a NATIONAL

March On

April 3 & 4

Assemble at 1 pm both Friday, April 3 & Saturday, April 4 at the Intersection of Wall & Broad Streets (The Stock Exchange)

for details and updates, see

Bail Out the People Movement


September 27 Demonstration in NYC:
Bail Out People - Not the Banks!

Sign the Petition - Bail Out the People, Not Banks!

Stop Foreclosures and Evictions Ad Hoc National Network to Stop Foreclosures & Evictions

May 1 Immigrant Rights

May 1st Coalition for Immigrant & Workers Rights

Sign the petition: Tell John McCain, the RNC, and the Minneapolis-St. Paul Police

  • Demand the phony charges against the RNC protesters be dropped immediately!
  • Fire Assistant Police Chief Matt Bostrom and Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher!
  • We need a people's investigation of RNC-St. Paul Police criminal activity during the RNC! Thanks to for keeping the site going.


LIVE the Streets: Read TONC's DNC/RNC BLOG at

Report from Sept 22-29 Encampment to Stop the War at Home & Abroad and Sept 29 March on Washington prop firm discounts

ANTI-WAR MARCHES OF NEW TYPE: Washington, D.C.: Protest hits FEMA, ICE


How the Troops Out Now rally rocked!

Audio coverage of Troops out march and street occupation

Encampment blog

Videos from Sept. 29


Troops Out Now Coalition
55 W. 17th St. #5C
NY NY 10011