Camp Casey New York City
Union Square
Hundreds of people gathered here at Union Square Park in the Village for an impromptu rally on Aug. 15. A symbolic tent was set up during the rally, with a sign reading “Camp Casey New York.” Activists have vowed to stay in the park until Aug. 17.
Larry Holmes, co-director of the Inter national Action Center, told the crowd that Cindy Sheehan is playing a role reminiscent to the one played by Rosa Parks 50 years ago when Parks refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Mont gomery, Ala. Parks’ heroic stance ignited the massive modern-day civil-rights movement. Holmes said Sheehan could be referred to as the “Rosa Parks” of the anti-war movement.
Other speakers told the crowd that “no business as usual” tactics
must be deployed to shut down the war in Iraq, and also reminded the crowd about
the important anti-war demonstration in Washing ton, D.C., on Sept. 24.
Following the rally, an ad-hoc group of local activists took on the task of maintaining a continual Camp Casey presence at Union Square, despite harassment by the NYPD and at least two arrests.
Camp Casey NYC