Organizing Centers and Local Activities Listing

The Troops Out Now Coalition Headquarters is at:
39 West 14th Street, #206, NY, NY, 10011

March 18 Rally at Times Sq. (41st & Broadway, NYC), followed by a march to the U.N.

Click on your area to see your local organizing center and March 18 activity information! Don't see your area? Sign up here to become a local organizing center for the March 18 - 19 International Days of Action to Shut Down the War!

list in formation (updated 3/11/06)

Alabama | Arizona | Arkansas |California | Colorado | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Illinois
Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan
Minnesota | New Jersey | Nevada | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | Ohio | Oregon
Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Virginia
Washington, DC | Washington State | West Virginia | Wisconsin

Australia | Canada | Catalonia | Denmark | Finland | France | Germany | Great Britain
Greece | Iceland | Indonesia | Ireland | Italy | Malaysia | Mexico | New Zealand | Norway
Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | South Korea | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey

March of Marches international activity listing:

European Social Forum Call for March 18
Assembly of Social Movements meeting at World Social Forum, Caracas, Venezuela
Bamako Appeal



Veterans and Survivors March for Peace and Justice From Mobile to New Orleans
Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out

Contact: Lynn Seewer
Telephone: (251) 604-1837
Activity Details: Tuesday, March 14 - Sunday March 19, 2006 March from Mobile to New Orleans. (for more details see under New Orleans, LA)
Military families and veterans of Iraq, Vietnam and other military adventures, together with hurricane survivors, intend to make the connection between the multi-trillion dollar illegal war abroad and the government's shameful moral, economic and political response to Katrina crystal clear on an epic march down Gulf Coast Highway 90, heading into the heart of New Orleans on the third anniversary of the war.
At the call of the Mobile, Alabama chapter of Veterans For Peace, members of VFP, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against the War and Military Families Speak Out will conduct, a six-day, 135-mile march from Mobile across Mississippi to New Orleans. Thousands of hurricane survivors and community residents along the route are expected to join.

March 18 Peace Rally, 12-3 pm

Memorial Park (near cannon)
1850 Government St., Mobile, AL 36606
Contact: Lynn Seewer
Telephone: (251) 461-9944



Tucson T.O.N.C.

Contact: Paul Teitelbaum
Activity Details: 10:00am - Gather at Catalina Park, 4th Ave and 2nd St. for Rally 11:00am - March to the military recruitment center on Speedway west of Campbell to say end the war; bring the troops home now; spend our money, on health care, educations and social needs - NOT WAR!



Flagstaff New Day Peace Center

PO Box 23861 (316 E. Birch Ave.), Flagstaff, AZ 86002-3681
Telephone: 928/773-7790
Activity Details: Saturday March 18, 2006, 5-7 pm. Peace Vigil with candlelight at dusk on the anniversary of the Iraq Invasion. (OK to bring signs, etc.) The usual Women in Black vigil will preceed the special Peace Vigil from 4-5 pm and we ask that no signs (except for WIB's banner) be held during WIB's silent vigil (which you are also welcome to join). RSVPs not required but they may help us contact you for future events. We will *NOT* cancel today's events in case of snow. Sponsored by Flagstaff New Day Peace Center, PO Box 23681, Flagstaff, AZ 86002-0128, www (dot) flagstaffpeace (dot) org.


End the War Now Coalition

P.O. Box 27737, Tempe, AZ 85282
Contact: Chris Fleischman
Telephone: (480) 894-2024
Meeting Info: Arizona Alliance for Peaceful Justice is a coalition of concerned individuals and organizations formed in response to the terrorist attacks that occurred September 11, 2001. AAPJ meets the second and fourth Sunday of the month at Tempe Friends Meeting House, 318 E. 15th Street in Tempe. End the War Now Coalition meets at Grace Lutheran Church every Tuesday at 7:00PM. It is on N.3rd St in Phoenix just south of I-10.


Activity Details: March and Rally March 18th Homer High SChool parking lot @ 1 pm march to WKFL park for Rally...... open mike.......



Muslim Student Association West
Contact: Marya Bangee
Activity Details: In formation -- check back or contact for details


Free Iraq and Palestine
Activity Details: In formation -- check back or contact for details


Aptos Women in Black

contact: Betty A. Michelozzi

390 Poppy Way Aptos CA 95003

Telephone: 831-688-0518
Activity Details: APTOS WOMEN IN BLACK. Meet in parking lot of Bittersweet Restaurant on Rio del Mar Blvd. (right turn off the freeway from Santa Cruz; next right after the gas station,) and immediate rt into parking lot. Sunday March 19 at 11:30 am. Wear black and stand in silence on Rio del Mar Blvd. at the freeway 'til 12:30. Signs provided. We meet every Sunday


Irvine United Congregational Church
Activity Details: On Sunday, March 19, the 3rd anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, we will hold a candlelight vigil beginning at 6pm on the NE corner of Alton and Culver in Irvine to honor those who have lost their lives or their loved ones and to reaffirm our commitment to peace.

Los Angeles

International Action Center-Los Angeles
5274 W. Pico Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019
Telephone: 323-936-7266
Activity Details: Join with IAC LA to help build the March 17 3pm Rally in East Los Angeles by Latinos Against War and the March 18 Noon demonstration against war at Noon at Hollywood and Vine (see below). Volunteer at IAC office Anti-War Outreach Days Wed March 15 - Friday March 17, 10 am - 8 pm. contact 323-936-7266.

Latinos Against War
Contact: David Cid (323) 36903864, Carlos Montes (213) 368-8674
Activity Details: Friday March 17 3PM MARCH AND RALLY!
U.S. Out of Iraq!
Stop the Attacks on Immigrants!
Military Recruiters Out of Our Schools, No to War!
Equal Rights for Immigrants, No to Racists Anti Immigrant Laws!
Join Latinos Against War
assemble 3 PM Soto at 6th Street in Boyle Heights. RALLY at Plaza Del Sol, 8th & Soto.
March & Rally!

Puerto Rican Alliance of Los Angeles
3139 1/2 S. Durango Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034
Telephone: 310-673-9453
Contact: Lawrence Reyes
Meeting Info: Meet at IAC-LA Office, 5274 W. Pico Ave
Activity Details: Support March 17 Latinos Against War 3PM Rally in Boyle Heights, and Saturday March 18 Anti-War demonstration.

A.N.S.W.E.R. L.A.
1800 Argyle Ave. #410, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Contact: Mona, Eean
Telephone: 323-464-1636
Activity Details: March 18: Assemble 12 noon at Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles. We'll march through Hollywood to the corner of Highland and Hollywood for a mass rally with speakers, entertainment, music and more. The march and rally are fully permitted. Thousands of people will converge in the streets of Los Angeles on March 18 to oppose the Bush administration's agenda of war, occupation, racism, bigotry, criminal neglect and cutbacks!


Orange County Peace Coalition
Telephone: 714-637-8313
Activity Details: March 18, 2006, 12 Noon Hart Park, 701 S. Glassell St, Orange CA
Enough's Enough! Bring the Troops Home Now March/Rally


Riverside Area Peace with Justice Action
Telephone: 951-653-0743
Meeting Info: Fridays, 7:15 - 8:15 PM, Iowa at University Ave., in mini-mall near bookstore
Activity Details: Friday, Mar. 17, 6 - 8 PM, Riverside, CA, Mass Stop the War on Iraq Rally: Gather at Iowa & University Ave.

San Diego

San Diego International Action Center (IAC)
3930 Oregon St, Suite 230
San Diego, CA 92104
Activity Details: Join San Diego Arabs, Muslims, and solidarity organizations in protest on the third anniversary of the illegal and criminal US invasion of Iraq. Hear Palestinians, Iraqis, and other people of color and solidarity at San Diego City College this Saturday March 18, 2006 starting at 11:30 am. March with us to Balboa Park. Demand an end to all occupations from Iraq to Palestine, Haiti, Afghanistan and everywhere; Demand Justice and The Right to Return for all Palestinians - Justice for Katrina survivors and all people of color - Free Ahmad Sa'adat, Mumia Abu Jamal and all political prisoners including 400 Palestinian Arab children in Israeli prisons.

Tear Down The Walls!
No Wall is For Peace!

This action is endorsed by San Diego Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, National Council of Arab Americans, Free Palestine Alliance, International Action Center, among other organizations (complete list will be posted at ).

For further information and group participation, please contact:

Al-Awda San Diego
The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-685-3243
Fax: 360-933-3568

San Francisco

Troops Out Now Coalition(TONC)-Northern California
2940 16th St, #207
San Francisco, CA 94103-3682
Activity Details: In formation -- check back or contact for details

Bay Area United Against War
375 Winfield, San Francisco, CA 94110
Contact: Bonnie Weinstein
Telephone: 415 824-8730
Activity Details: March and Rally to Bring the Troops Home Now Saturday, March 18, 11:00 A.M. Civic Center, San Francisco


South Valley Peace Center
17206 Ave. 296, Visalia, CA 93292
Meeting Info: South Valley Peace Center meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at the Quaker Meeting House, north of Hwy 198, east of Visalia at 17206 Ave. 296 in Visalia at 1:00pm.
Antiwar demos are held on the 1st Sunday of every month at the corner of Walnut and Mooney in Visalia at 1:00pm
Activity Details: SVPC Sunday, March 19 2000+ crosses display and vigil, itinery and schedule: 1:00 Caldwell and Mooney, Visalia 1:40 Walnut and Mooney, Visalia 2:30 Hwy 198 and Spruce, Exeter 3:15 Hwy 137 and Spruce, Lindsay 4:00 Henderson and "G", Porterville 4:30 Pizza at Uncle Bill's, Porterville

Walnut Creek

Progressive Alliance of Contra Costa County
P O Box 4605, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Telephone: 925-938-3321
Contact: Tony Martarella
Activity Details: "Peace Is Possible" anti-war march and rally, Saturday, March 18th, in Walnut Creek, CA March from W.C. BART station at 11:15 A.M. Rally at noon in Civic Center Park, Civic Drive and Broadway (across from City Hall)
County Joe McDonald Band; Norman Solomon, Congressman Miller, former S.F. Supervisor Matt Gonvalez... plus other surprise speakers and entertainment.


Colorado Springs

Contact: Dennis Apuan
Telephone: 719-632-6189
Activity Details:

  • March 17: Critical Mass Ride For Peace at 5:00 pm gathering at Cache La Poudre and Tejon st.
  • March 18: Antiwar rally in Acacia Park at 1:00 pm with speakers and live music
  • March 20: Congressional office visits (stay tuned for details)



Denver International Action Center
Meeting Info: Next Denver Troops Out Now, with Escuela Tlatelolco planning meeting for March 19th Friday, February 3rd at Escuela Tlatelolco 2949 North Federal Blvd, 80211
Activity Details: There will be a march starting at 12:30pm on Sunday, March 19th. The march will start at East Highschool and proceed down Colfax to the State Capitol, where there will be a rally.

Fort Collins

Fort Collins Peace Vigil
421 S. Howes #701, Fort Collins, CO
Contact: Joe Stern
Telephone: 970-493-7030
Activity Details: Peace Vigil March 18 (and every Saturday), 12-1PM, NWC College and Mulberry


Pueblo Veterans for Peace, Chapter 129
110 W 12th, Pueblo, CO 81003
Contact: Glen Burke
Telephone: 719-543-0326
Activity Details: Sat, March 18th, 1:00 to 4:00pm - 26th and Elizabeth Street Parkway near the Vietnam Memorial. End the Iraq War Peace Festival. Supported by several peace groups. Speakers, music and much more. There will be a drawing for a 32" flat screen television, as a fundraiser for ongoing organizing to end the war.



Troops Out Now
1704 NE 6th Terr, Gainesville, FL 32609
Telephone: 352-372-0250
Activity Details: In formation. Check back for details


Peace Now Citrus Country
1202 S Elmwood Drive, Inverness, FL 34450
Telephone: 352-400-4174
Activity Details: Saturday March 18th 10am - Noon - In front of the old Citrus County Court House
Day of Mourning and Remembering Calling the names of the 2314 American soldiers lost in this dispicable war. Reaching out to our community to join us in standing for peace.


Wage Peace
Website: Coalition of Brevard Patriots for Peace
Meeting Info: State Of The Union / State of Emergency Antiwar Demonstration and Candle Light Vigil 1/31 5-7pm "PEACE CORNER" in front of Melbourne Square Mall 1700 West New Haven Ave/192, Melbourne Florida Weekly Vigils every Friday night same place will resume Feb. 10th - March 10th 5-8pm
Activity Details: END THE WAR/THREE YEARS TOO MANY MASS DEMONSTRATION AND MARCH March 18th 12n - 3pm. "STREET THEATRE" Assemble Front Street Park, mock Funeral procession through streets downtown Melbourne to City Hall.


Marions for Peace
5373 SW 109 Place Road, Ocala,FL 34476
Contact: Delphine Herbert
Telephone: 352/873-9970
Activity Details: March 18, 4 - 6 p.m. Regular weekly rally at the corner of Route 200 and 27th Avenue SW, Ocala
March 19, 6 p.m. Candlelight vigil at the Ocala Town Square


Campus Peace Action
Contact: Michael Mendoza
Telephone: 407-620-1957
Activity Details: Anti-War March in Downtown Orlando, FL on Monday March 20th @ 5 p.m., meet at the corner of Orange and Colonial and march to city hall!
Meeting Info: Campus Peace Action meets Wensday nights @ 6 p.m. on UCF campus at the Gazebo near the bookstore.


Florida for Peace
910 32nd Street, Sarasota, FL 34234
Contact: J R Lentini
Telephone: 770-846-0175
Meeting Info: For details about pre-demonstration meetings please email
Activity Details: We will assemble at 3 PM in Downtown Sarasota at the Bayfront War Memorial (across US-41 from Marina Jack), march through downtown past the offices of Rep. Katherine Harris, and back down Main Street to reassemble at the Bayfront War Memorial for a roadside protest on US-41. For details please contact JR at 770-846-0175, or email Florida for Peace at

St Augustine

People for Peace and Justice
Contact: Marilyn Bagdonas
Telephone: 904-501-2609
Activity Details: Protest 3 Years Too Many; U.S Out of Iraq Now! Protest on the third anniversary of a war that never should have happened. Saturday, March 18th, 12noon-2pm. Meet in St. Augustine at the Ponce de Leon Statue circle (directly east of the Plaza and west of the Bridge of Lions) Protest with a march to follow Join People for Peace and Justice in calling attention to the growing opposition to the illegal invasion of Iraq. Bring your friends, sign and any musical instument


March 19 Mobilization
Yahoo group:
Meeting Info: Next planning meeting 7pm, Tuesday 2/28, at the Tallahassee Progressive Center, 1720 S. Gadsden Street.
Activity Details: Our group membership is made up of various individuals and groups involved in planning a week of anti-war actions in the Florida state capitol during March 12 - 19. Each represented group is asked to perform an independent action during the week with a united rally in front of the old capitol on Saturday and a memorial on Sunday.

Tampa Bay

Veterans for Peace Tampa Bay Chapter 119
PO Box 442, St Petersburg FL 33731
contact: Jay ALexander, Michael Fox
Telephone: 727 527 3996
Activity Details: TAMPA BAY RALLY FOR PEACE Three Years to Long - Support Our Troops by Bringing them Home NOW! SUNDAY, MARCH 19 from 11 AM to 2 PM Joe Chillura Courthouse Square. Morgan St and East Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, Florida Free street parking north of E Kennedy Blvd In order to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the invasion of Iraq - an action that the Bush administration deemed "mission accomplished" just weeks afterwards -- peace advocates, religious leaders, and activists representing a wide variety of constituencies will gather for an afternoon of picnicking, speeches, singing , poetry and information sharing, with a live phone call broadcast to all from Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan. Principal organizer is Tampa Bay Veterans for Peace. Current endorsements include Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Tampa Bay National Organization of Women, Pinellas Progressives, Florida Coalition of Peace and Justice, Pinellas Green Party, Hillsborough Green Party, and other civil rights and peace organizations. Mabili Oguniyi of WMNF88.5 FM is our Master of Ceremonies and he will conduct a program that will include Norma Aviles - a teacher and Gold Star mother - Rev. Charles McKenzie of the Rainbow Push Coalition - US Congressional candidates such as Samm Simpson and Jim Greenwald will speak on the case for peace and to support our troops by bringing them home now. Jay Alexander President and founder of Tampa Bay VFP Chapter 119 (727) 527-3996 h (727) 365 4558 c Michael Smith 727-822-4157 FMI-



April 1st Coalition
Contact Dianne Mathiowetz
Telephone: 404.522.4500
Activity Details:

  • SE Regional "Peace in Iraq, Justice at Home" march and rally, Saturday, April 1. Assemble at noon, MLK Gravesite, Auburn Ave (between Boulevard and Jackson). 1pm, march to Piedmont Park 2-4pm, rally, Piedmont Park (10th and Charles Allen). Rally speakers include Rev. Joseph Lowrey, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, military families, Gold Star mothers, Iraq vets, Katrina survivors, labor, student, youth, immigrant activists. Puppet contingent, drummers from Japan, Africa and the Caribbean; music, poetry. Ap. 1 date was chosen to link the anniversary of the Iraq war with the anniversary of Dr. King's assassination (ap.4). For more information, go to
  • March18-20, campus events, church services, leaflet distributions at shopping centers, subway stations etc, banner drops to publicize Ap. 1 regional march and rally.
  • Monday, March 20, major news conference on anniversary of Iraq war to announce details of regional protest.

Local meeting details: IAC meetings, every Sunday at 5pm, Little 5 Points Community Center, 1083 Austin Ave. NE (corner of Euclid and Austin), Rm. 203. Join the IAC in mobilizing for the Ap. 1 regional demonstration and in other campaigns against racism, poverty and oppression.

Cobb County

Citizens For Peace, Cobb County
Contact Tim Franzen
Telephone: 404-414-5521
Activity details: We will be holding a 24 hour vigil in front of Phil Gingreys office (219 roswell st. marietta 30060) starting Sunday 3-19 to Monday 3-20. We need lots of help, especially in the wee hours.



Malu Aina
P.O. Box AB, Kurtistown, HI 96760
Contact: Jim Albertini
Telephone: 808-966-7622
Activity Details: Saturday, March 18, 2006 March & Rally in Hilo Hawaii beginning at 9AM across from downtown Hilo Farmers' Market
Meeting Info: 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month 7-9pm at Olaa community center in Keaau town, across from McDonalds



Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois
PO Box 2201, Carbondale, IL 62902
Contact: Georgeann Hartzog, Margie Park
Telephone: 618-893-4973
Activity Details: Not One More Death, Not One More Dollar Vigil and Rally on 3rd anniversary of Iraq war, Saturday, March 18, noon at Town Square Pavilion. Feeder marches will collect at 11:30pm. Speakers and music at 12:30pm
Meeting Info: Peace Coalition monthly meeting 3rd Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm at the Interfaith Center, corner of Grand and Ilinois Ave, Carbondale, Il


Troops Out Now Coalition - Chicago
Telephone: (773) 381-5839
Activity Details: In formation. Check back for details


DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace & Justice
739 W. Hillcrest Drive, DeKalb, IL 60115
Telephone: 815-758-0796
Contact: Cecile Meyer
Meeting Info: We will meet Sat. 2/11 from 9 to noon to work out details. Call 815/758-0796 for details. Usual weekly protest attendance of 20 to 30, has risen to include 100 to 200 participants on special anniversary occuasions.
Activity Details: The DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace & Justice, now in its 21st year, has demonstrated at a busy street corner in DeKalb every Friday at 5 p.m. since Dec. 7, 2001. We will devote our protest on March 17 to End the War, Bring Them Home Now Them Home Now, with speakers & music in addition to our usual signs.



Bloomington Peace Action Coalition
Contact Timothy Baer
Telephone: 812-988-1917
Activity details: Organizing transportation to the March 18 NYC "U.S. Troops Out Now!" demonstration.
Meeting info: Join us in organizing. Bloomington Peace Action Coalition will meet on Monday, February 6, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 1-C at the Monroe County Public Library, 303 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, Indiana. And we will also meet on Monday, March 6, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., in Room 1-A at the Monroe County Public Library.

Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne Peace Action
Contact Dave Lambert
Telephone: 260-609-8803
Activity details: 3 Years is Enough Rally to end the war, end the occupation, and Bring The Troops Home Now!
Rally will be at NOON on Saturday, March 18, 2006, at the Courthouse Green, Corner Berry and Clinton, in downtown Fort Wayne, IN


Hoosiers for Peace
Contact: Heather Allen-Garde
Activity details: Peace Rally, March 18, 2006, 1 p.m., Monument Circle, Downtown Indianapolis
Hoosiers for Peace Rally will mark the third year of an unjust war. Hoosiers will have an opportunity to contact their representatives, listen to distinguished speakers, hear inspirational music, and network with others who are against the war and interested in promoting peace. The rally will be family friendly and the focus will be on how families are affected by war i.e. loosing their loved ones, and a plea to representatives to reset budget priorities with the needs of the family in mind. The theme is Honor the Dead, Heal the Wounded, End the War.
Sponsors: Progressive Indiana Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center Bloomington Peace Action Coalition Veterans for Peace
Contact Info: Heather Allen-Garde


Cedar Falls

University of Northern Iowa students for Social Justice
805 W Seerley Blvd Apt 4, Cedar Falls IA 50613
Contact Chris Schwartz
Telephone: 319-415-1400
Activity Details: Troops Out NOW! UNI Students for Social Justice join the Campus Anti-War Network in a week of action calling for the end of the war and occupation in Iraq. March 20th-23rd
Monday March 20th-Die-in against the War noon at the Maucker Student Union. Members of the UNI SSJ and Cedar Valley United for peace & Justice (CVUFPJ) will participate in a die-in to raise the awareness the student body at UNI on the Iraq War and our planned week of action calling for immediate Withdrawal.. A statement will be read about the Iraq war and information about the rest of our week of action will be distributed. Meet at 11:45 at the reflecting pool outside the Maucker Union. Wear Black if you can.
Tuesday March 21st-ROTC off UNI! Pickett at 12:15pm outside the ROTC office (West Gym) Stand with the UNI SSJ as we call for the removal of the ROTC program at UNI. UNI ROTC represents the militarization of our campus at a time when UNI should serve as an advocate against the use of violence in our world. The UNI ROTC is also in direct violation of UNI's anti-discrimination policy towards gays and lesbians. UNI can no longer be subjected to the bigoted policy of "Don't ask Don't Tell".
Wednesday March 22nd-All Day Teach-in on the Iraq War Maucker Union Ballroom B 10am-TBA 11am - "The Problems of the Militarization Complex” Shane Callahan, co-president of the UNI SSJ will talk about the danger of the growing militarization of our world. 12pm-"The Case for Immediate Withdrawal, What you Can do to End The Iraq War" Chris Schwartz, Co-President of the UNI SSJ, President of CVUFPJ, Publisher of The Legacy, Editor and Chief of College not Combat, and Coordinating Committee member for the Campus Anti-War Network. will present the case for immediate withdrawal from Iraq and offer incite into anti-war activism happening all over the world. There will also be a discussion and information about local anti-war efforts. 1Pm-Hurricane Katrina, Criminal Neglect and the U.S Government Alex Ludwig, Co-President of the UNI SSJ will discuss the absolute failure of government in the preparation for and response to Hurricane Katrina. Ludwig will discuss how six months later the victims of Hurricane Katrina the are still suffering injustice and the hands of our criminal and incompetent government. Ludwig will layout the relationship between, militarization, racism, and poverty and their relationship to the negligences of the United States government. . 2pm Critique of the "war on terrorism" Join Christopher W. Mullins, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Criminology as he presents from a criminology point of view that war and mass military action is an utterly wrong headed way to police and control these types of crimes. Dr. Mullins will refute the administration's linkage of the Iraq war to terrorism control and discuss how the military is policing terrorism in Iraq is a catalyst not a deterrent. 3pm-TBA Emeritus Professor of Sociology Dr. Ronnie Robers
Thursday March 23rd-Campus-Wide Walkout 1:30pm Rally outside the Maucker Union! (immediately following the walkout) March down University Avenue! At 1:30pm on Thursday the 23rd of March the UNI SSJ are calling on every person of conscious at UNI and in the greater Cedar Valley to drop what they are doing and join us as we take action against the war in Iraq. There will be a rally held outside the Maucker Union in the heart of UNI's campus. The rally will include speakers and information covering such issues as: the human and financial cost of the war, racism, militarization, and Hurricane Katrina. There will also be free food and live music! Following the Rally We will March Down University Avenue and make our demand of immediate withdrawal from Iraq known to the entire Cedar Valley. Contact: Chris Schwartz Co-president of the UNI Students for Social Justice Coordinating Committee member of the Campus Anti-War Network (CAN) President of Cedar Valley United for Peace & Justice Publisher of The Legacy Editor and Chief of College Not Combat 319-415-1400 Shane Callahan Co-president of the UNI Students for Social Justice 319-321-0727 For more information on the Campus Anti-War network week of action visit: The UNI Students for Social Justice Troops Out Now week of action is being held in coordination with a national week of student action organized by the Campus Anti-War Network. Sponsored By: UNI Students for Social Justice, Cedar Valley United for Peace & Justice, The Legacy Campus Anti-War Network


People for Peace
503 W Lowe Ave, Fairfield, IA 52556
Contact James Moore
Telephone: 641 233-1617
Activity details: Stand Up for Peace Sunday March 19 Noon to 1pm Fairfield Town Square Third Year Anniversary of the Iraq Invasion


Progressive Action for the Common Good
2703 Iowa Street
Davenport, IA
Contact Maria M. Cummings
Telephone: 563-326-6438
Activity Details: Peace Rally marking the 3rd anniversary of the "Shock and Awe" Iraq War. This event is being sponsored by: CodePink, Progressive Action for the Common Good, Fellowship of Reconciliation, People for Peace and others
The Peace Rally will be held Saturday, March 18th from 2:00 PM - 4:00 front of Border's across the Showcase Cinemas 53; at 4000 E 53rd St., Davenport, IA Bring signs, placards, banners or anything that you may deem appropiate for such an event.



Lawrence Coalition for Peace and Justice
Contact: Anne Burgess and Christine Smith
Activity details: Candlelight Vigil to mourn American and Iraqi dead will be held on Saturday, March 18, at 7:00 p.m. at 11th and Massachusetts.


Kansans for Change
202 South Third Street, Smolan, KS 67456
Contact: Jon Nelson
Telephone: 785-668-2471
Activity details: Gather at the Marine's recruiting center at the Central Mall in salina on Saturday afternoon from 1-3 p.m. Please call to sign up. Tell your friends. Registration not required.
Meeting Info: Call if interested: 785-668-2471. Will have meeting if enough people call with interest. No protest if not enough calls are recieved (10+ preferred). Call and Sign up! Get out of Iraq, and stay out of Iran.



Kentucky Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression
3208 W Broadway, Louisville, KY 40211
Contact: Kris Philipp
Telephone: 502.778-8130
Activity details: Mark your calendars Two Louisville Anti War Actions Presidents Day? Yes, a call for Impeachment! Monday February 20th 12-2:00 4600 Block of Shelbyville Road (Near the Plaza) Banners, signs and peaceful presence Marking the Third Anniversary of the start of the War Saturday, March 18 12-3:00 Intersection of Taylorsville Road and Hurstbourne Lane. Banners, signs and peaceful presence Another setup of the 2000 plus shirts representing the US military deaths and Iraqi civilians For those who participated in the marking of the 2000th US death in Iraq, you know it takes a lot of people to pull this off! We would like people to volunteer to come with 5 others to hold a “length” of 50 shirts on a line. Send a note to to let us know if you can do this.

Louisville Peace Action Community
P. O. Box 5481
Louisville, KY 40255-0481
Contact Judy, Ellen and Ken
Activity details:3rd Anniversary of the War Commemoration & Protest, Saturday, March 18th, 12-3pm, Hurstbourne Lane & Taylorsville Rd. (Southwest Corner). You can sign up (include e-mail and phone so you can be contacted for planning) singly or get together a group of 5 to help display 2300+ t-shirts signifying the loss of military men and women, who in turn stand for more than 30,000 Iraqi civilians---or just show up with your sign or to help with banners. LPAC is also participating in Dissent! Louisville a season long look at the place & value of dissent in American life, see
Meeting info: 3/16 at 6pm: Pre-Meeting Workshop---Make signs, banners & street theater props for the 3rd Anniversary of the Iraq War Protest Thursday, March 16th at 6pm, Douglass Boulevard Christian Church. The March meeting of Louisville Peace Action Community is Thursday, March 16th, 7:00-9:00pm at Douglass Blvd. Christian Church (Douglass & Bardstown).



Covington Peace Project
943 Ellis Street
Franklinton, LA 70438
Contact Buddy Spell
Telephone: 985-795-9500
Activity detail: March 18, 2006 - Noon "Make Levees Not War" Demonstration for Peace Corner of East Boston & North Columbia Streets Covington, LA

New Orleans

Veterans for Peace
Contact: Michael McPhereson, Ward Reilly
Telephone: 225 766 1364
Activity Details:
Walkin' to New Orleans Veterans' and Survivors' March from Mobile to New Orleans March 14-19, 2006. March 19, 2006 is the 3rd anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families for Peace, and hurricane survivors' organizations are organizing a five-day march along Gulf Coast Highway 90 to demand the immediate return of our troops from Iraq, and to call for U.S. tax dollars to be spent on human priorities and rebuilding of the devastated Gulf Coast, instead of the illegal occupation of Iraq. Every bomb dropped in Iraq Explodes from Mobile to New Orleans. Justice in Iraq and the Gulf Coast—bring the troops and survivors home NOW!

"WALKIN' TO NEW ORLEANS" Veterans' and Survivors' March for Peace and Justice Mobile to New Orleans March 14-19, 2006 March 19, 2006 is the 3rd anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families for Peace, and hurricane survivors' organizations (Save Ourselves, the People's Hurricane Relief Fund, Common Ground Collective, Bayou Liberty Relief, the Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance, C3, and others) are organizing a five-day march and caravan along Gulf Coast Highway 90 to demand: (1) the immediate return of our troops from Iraq, and to call for U.S. tax dollars to be spent on human priorities and (2) rebuilding of the devastated Gulf Coast, under the democratic direction of the residents of the Gulf Coast, instead of further spending for the illegal occupation of Iraq. We will begin in Mobile, Alabama on March 14th and end in New Orleans on March 19th, the war's anniversay. Hurricane Katrina is in the news again, as thousands of hurricane survivors who were housed at hotels in New Orleans and other Gulf Coast cities are now being summarily evicted. In New Orleans, evictees were not even allowed to collect their belongings. The National Guard, which was sent in at night almost as a surprise attack in conjunction with police, was tasked to collect people's meager possessions, as these serially-displaced residents were herded aboard buses to be shipped off to overcrowded shelters in other cities, or left to fend for themselves as homeless people. This looks for all the world not like reconstruction, but a military occupation. Concurrently, those who advise the Bush administration are not only stubbornly adhering to the disastrous course of militarily occupying Iraq, the same clique is now advocating military action against Iran, and publishing enemies lists of antiwar activists even in the midst of a domestic spying scandal. The colonial treatment being meted out to poor people and people of color on the Gulf Coast is mirrored in the war the same administration is continuing against Arabs and Muslims, and vice versa. Thousands of over-priced FEMA trailers sit unused, while residents are refused entry into their own homes by police. The US government can guarantee the absentee voting of a few Iraqi expatriates in a highly questionable election in a militarily occupied nation, but make little effort to ensure that displaced hurricane survivors can vote in upcoming elections. Some of the same contractors who have repeatedly been caught stealling publicly appropriated funds in Iraq were almost immediately offered no-bid crony contracts to rebuild the Gulf Coast, while local firms and contractors were frozen out, unless they had ties to the admnistration. Just as camps were prepared for "detainees" who were never given a chance at trial in Guantanamo Bay, there are now camps being constructed for hurricane surviviors around the country. Veterans and military families are uniting their call for peace with the hurricane surviviors' call for justice. If we can build cities in the desert to wage war, why can't we rebuild cities on the Gulf Coast to deliver justice? Every bomb dropped in Iraq Explodes from Mobile to New Orleans Justice in Iraq and the Gulf Coast—bring the troops and survivors home NOW! ***ADVISORY: Spring Break corresponds to the march. If you plan to get plane tickets to Mobile and from New Orleans, book them early.
Meeting info: organizing done online and via conference calls


Baltimore All Peoples Congress
telephone: 410-235-7040
Address: 426 E 31st St., Baltimore, 21218
Activity detail: In formation. Check back for details


Boston Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee and Boston Troops Out Now Coalition
c/o USWA 8751 Boston School Bus Union 617-524-3507
Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner, District 7: 617-427-8100
The Cultural Cafe, 617-373-3910
and Troops Out Now Coalition 617-522-6626
Meeting Info: Planning Meetings every Wednesday 6:00pm Cultural Cafe 76 Atherton St., JP (near Stoneybrook T on the Orange Line - corner Amory & Atherton Sts.)
Activity Details: Sat., March 18 Rally/March • 11 am Blue Hill Ave. & Dudley St. In the Spirit of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr. & Malcolm X on the 3rd Anniv. of the U.S. Invasion & Occupation of Iraq Stop the Violence - Stop the War at Home & Abroad Unite Against Poverty, Racism & War Bring the Troops Home Now!
Download flyers

New Bedford
The Rachel Stern and Alyzza Callahan Foundation
Contact: Catherine Donaghy, Nick Camerota
Activity details: Join us in protesting the 3rd year anniersary of the invasion and bombing of Iraq.
We will gather at noon on the corner of rte. 6 and rte. 140, across from the Cvs, at the Buttonwood Park. We will be there until 6pm, so come for whatever amount of time you can, with a sign and your vocal chords!!!

Western Massachussetts
Western Mass IAC/Troops Out Now coalition
PO Box 2733, Springfield, MA 01101
Contact: Catherine Donaghy, Nick Camerota
Activity details: 2006 Western Massachusetts Tri-City Week Against War Marking Three Years of War & Occupation of Iraq (from March 18 to March 20)
SPRINGFIELD @ noon - 2:00 p.m. - Rally Against the War, Merrick Park, corner of Chestnut & State Streets. Rally will be immediately followed by another SPRINGFIELD event, the Town Hall Meeting (see next entry).
SPFLD @ 2:00 - 4:00 - Town Hall Meeting: Poverty, Racism, and War in the 21st Century, First Spiritualist Church, 33 Bliss Street . Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr. will discuss what our national priorities should be: funding for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, not for the Iraq war. There will be a speak-out following Rev. Yearwood's talk.
HOLYOKE @ 5:00 p.m. - Picket Tom Ridge Award Ceremony, St. Jerome's Catholic Church, 169 Hampden Street. Former head of the Department of Homeland Security Tom Ridge will be given this year's Holyoke St. Patrick's Day Parade JFK Award at a church service. Picket outside the church before the service.
NORTHAMPTON @ 6:00-7:00 p.m.- Candlelight Vigil observing the 3rd anniversary of the war, all along Main Street, downtown Northampton
SPRINGFIELD @ 12:00 noon - Truth in Military Recruiting Action & Rally, Federal Building, 1550 Main Street
HOLYOKE @ 4:00 p.m. - Picket Congressman John Olver's office (57 Suffolk Street) to demand the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
These events have been jointly sponsoreed by: ARISE for Social Justice; Interfaith Coalition for Justice and Peace; Mass. American Civil Liberties Union; Middle East Peace Coalition; Military Recruitment Education Network; Northampton Committee to Stop the War in Iraq; Progressive Democrats of America; The Raging Grannies; SAGE; The Tim Mooney Local of the Socialist Party USA; Traprock Peace Center; Western Mass. American Friends Service Committee; Western Mass. International Action Center/Troops Out Now Coalition; Western Mass. Labor Against the War
Contact; for updates visit


Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice
5922 Second Ave, Detroit MI 48201
Contact: Abayomi Azikiwe
Telephone: 313-680-5508
Activity Details: March 18 March and Rally: starting at the Spirit of Detroit statue outside the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center at Woodward and Jefferson Avenues starting at 4:30 PM. We then march starting at 5:30 PM up Woodward Avenue to Central United Methodist Church where a "Musicians and Poets Against the War" cultural presentation will take place from 6-9 PM on the 2nd Floor Auditorium. Contact number is 313-680-5508 and other info is available at
Weekly meetings: Every Wednesday at 7 PM at 5920 Second Ave, Detroit (cross street Antoinette).

Grand Rapids
West Michigan Justice and Peace Coalition; Industrial Workers of the World
1118 Wealthy SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Contact: Cole Dorsey
Telephone: 616-881-5263
Activity Details: Rally, March and Teachin

Holland Peacemakers
PO Box 3272, Holland MI 49422
Contact: Pam Nordhof
Activity Details: Rally to remember the start of the war on Iraq. Saturday, March 18 at 10 a.m. Gather in the Civic Center parking lot 150 W. 8th St., Holland.
Meeting Info: Holland Peacemakers - Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at the Leaf and Bean 19th and Columbia in Holland, MI.

World Can't Wait - Kalamazoo
Contact: Dara Klimp
Telephone: 269-303-4445
Activity Details: Protest on So Westnedge sidewalks between Target and Pier 1 on March 18th - Noon to 2 pm. Political Forum at Kraftbrau in Kalamazoo from 4 to 6. Food and Music provided.
Meeting Info: Monday nights at 7 pm at Ravenwood.

Northville Democrats
39771 Golfview Drive, Northville, MI
Contact: Scott Craig
Telephone: 248 465-1995
Activity Details: March for Peace - Stop the War Downtown Northville Michigan Saturday, March 18 Noon-2PM Main Street, one block east of Center Street. Event begins with a rally at the gazebo on Main Street, one block east of Center Street. Speakers will include a returning veteran against the war, ACLU, representatives of the Iraqi community and more.
Meeting Info: Contact for meetings or to offer help

Sault Ste. Marie
Eastern Upper Penninsula Peace Council, Upper Penninsula Socialist Club
Contact: Sonny Reid/Larry Klein
Telephone: (906)253-9166, 906-495-7082
Activity Details: We are having a "peace walk" on March 18,2006 from 1:00pm-3:00pm at the Avery Square Building downtown Soo - Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. The groups putting this event on are; The UP Socialist League and the EUP Peace Council.The local Democrat Party is going to particapate too.
Meeting Info: We meet as a peace group called E.U.P. Peace Council once per month. Every third Thursday (at least) at Lake Superior State University.


Bemidji Peace and Justice Coalition
PO Box 133, Bemidji, MN 56619
Contact: Audrey Thayer
Activity details: “MARCH” for PEACE ***CALENDAR OF EVENTS***

  • March 1st Wednesday, Leadership Luncheon, 12:00 noon, Viking Room Speaker: Mark Morrissey Hobson Union, BSU The Invisible Government – Deconstructing the “war on terror” and the “war on drugs”
  • March 6th-10th Monday through Friday, Hobson Union, BSU “Tables of information and Peace paraphernalia!” Sponsored by the Phoenix Club.
  • March 8th Wednesday Night Film Series presents: Truth in Politics – David Ray Griffin. A response to the 9-11 Commission, Filmed in Madison, WI. Ray is an esteemed academic and christian theologian who refutes the work of the Kean commission.
  • 7:30 pm, Bangsburg Recital, BSU, free.
  • March 9th Thursday “The Buzz” – Open Stage at Brigid’s Cross Irish Pub, 317 Beltrami Ave, Bemidji 8:00 – 10:00 pm “Expressions of Peace” – music, poetry…
  • March 12th Sunday “Ski for Peace” Three Island County Park. Meet at noon in the north parking lot. Group photo, informal ski tour
  • March 18th Saturday, Speakers for Peace 3:30–4:30 pm, Hobson Union March for Peace, 4:30 pm, from BSU to Paul and Babe. Candlelight Vigil, 6:00 pm, pavilion.


March 18 Coalition
c/o Mayday Books,301 Cedar Ave., South Minneapolis, MN 55454
612 522-1861, 6
Activity details: On the 3rd Anniversary of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq: Not One More Death! Not One More Dollar! Act Now for Peace! Bring the Troops Home Now! Stop the U.S. War in Iraq! Saturday, March 18 March & Rally Gather: 1:00PM at Library Plaza & Mall Area - Hennepin & Lagoon Ave. South Minneapolis 1:30PM March March will conclude with a closing rally. March 18 Coalition includes many peace, anti-war and other organizations, including, Anti-War Committee, Women Against Military Madness, Veterans for Peace, Twin Cities Peace Campaign-Focus on Iraq, Youth Against War and Racism, Anti-War Oragnizing League (AWOL) and many others.
Weekly meetings: Every Thursday at 7pm at 1313 5th St SE, Room 102A, Minneapolis, MN

Women Against Military Madness
310 East 38th Street, #222, Minneapolis, MN 55409
Activity details: Women Against Military Madness is part of the March 18 Coalition to Stop the U.S. War in Iraq! Bring the Troops Home Now! 1:00 p.m.: Nonviolent march and rally. We will gather at Library Plaza, Hennepin & Lagoon Avenues in Minneapolis and march to the Basilica of St. Mary. 2:00 p.m. Indoor program and rally at the Basilica.

St. Paul
Minnesota Neighbors for Peace
708 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105
Contact: Linda Winsor
Telephone: 651.224.6004
Activity details: Minnesota Neighbors for Peace invites you to join us for A WALK FOR PEACE in remembrance of the beginning of the war in Iraq. We will quietly walk west from the corner of Snelling and Summit in St. Paul down to the Mississippi River. Upon arrival at the river we will have a SUNSET CANDLELIGHT VIGIL at 6:40pm with Sami Rasouli, an Iraqi American, who has spent the last six months working in Iraq. Invite neighbors, family, and friends to join with us to mark the beginning of the war, to honor the troops, to remember the victims of war, and to hope for peace. Non-perishable food items for Neighborhood House will be collected.
Meeting Info: Winona Area Peacemakers meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in St Paul's Church on the corner of Broadway and Lafayette Streets; Winona, MN

Winona Area Peacemakers
PO Box 331, Winona, MN 55987
Contact: Joe Morse
Activity details: Sunday, March 19, 2006, Peaceful Protest/Rally at 1:00 - 2:00 pm on Mankato Avenue at Frontenac Drive next to Community Memorial Hospital. Theme: "End the Occupation of Iraq" All are welcome to stand up to oppose the Iraq Occupation. Bring signs.
Meeting Info: Winona Area Peacemakers meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in St Paul's Church on the corner of Broadway and Lafayette Streets; Winona, MN


North Mississippians for Peace
148 County Rd. 199 Tupelo MS 38801
Contact: John Wages
Telephone: 662-840-3706
Activity Details: North Mississippians for Peace, the Green Party of Lee County, Pax Christi, and individuals from other local groups and churches will will meet on the south steps of the Lee County Courthouse (the old courthouse with the dome, at Jefferson & Spring Sts. in downtown Tupelo) this Sunday, March 19, at 2PM for a brief statement on the War in Iraq. On this 3rd anniversary of the war, we will call for American troops to be withdrawn, as we have at past events. We will also reflect on ways we can prevent this from ever happening again in America.


Las Vegas
Peace With Justice Cmte / NDE
NDE, 1420 W Bartlett Av AUMC, 3460 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89100
Contact: Carl Peetz
Telephone: 1-808-371-7694 cell
Activity details: Sa Mar 18 at 10 am NUCLEAR TEST SITE Vigil & Civil Disobedience with UMC bishops Hwy 95: Gate to Mercury NV All are invited to participate.
Meeting Info: Sat Mar 18 at 8 am Breakfast & ORIENTATION Advent United Methodist Church, 3460 N Rancho Dr Sponsor: Peace With Justice Com. NDE Tel: 1-808-371-7694 cell
Food provided by our bathroom remodeling friends over at Henderson Remodelers

New Jersey

Highland Park
Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War
Contact: Dorothy Schwartz
Activity details: Vigil with the Iraq Memorial Wall in Highland Park, Saturday,March 18 11:30-12:30. North of the Albany Street Bridge on Rte. 27. (see Afterwards disperse into teams to leaflet at supermarkets, other areas of high pedestrian traffic. Demonstration at recruitment centers has been done previously, and will be done on future occasions.
Meeting Info: Friends Meeting House, New Brunswick, NJ usually 1st and 3rd Sundays from 5-7 PM.

Jersey City
Jersey City Peace Movement
PO Box 7840, Jersey City, NJ 07307
Telephone: 201-222-3135
Activity details: 2 MAJOR Anti-War Actions:
1.) JERSEY CITY ST. PATRICK's DAY PARADE Jersey City Peace Movement Peace NOT War--Contingent
SUNDAY MARCH 12, 2006 12:30pm
Step Off Assemble: LINCOLN PARK on Kennedy Blvd in Jersey City, NJ (Just minutes from the PATH train from NYC)
2.)Bring the Troops HOME --Action at Recruiters Center
SATURDAY MARCH 18th, 2006 11am-12noon (Only one hour! Please be there on time!--Then on to T.O.N.C. action in NYC's Times Sq. for 1pm)
Marines Recruitment Center 2815 KENNEDY BLVD (corner of Tonnele Blvd.---between the "Goodwill Store" and the "Extreme-Extreme" store.) Just a few blocks from the PATH station at Journal Sq.
Participants/Endorsers /Organizers Troops Out Now BAYAN Veterans For Peace Jersey City Peace Movement FOOD NOT BOMBS--(Jersey City) International Action Center
Meeting Info: Friends Meeting House, New Brunswick, NJ usually 1st and 3rd Sundays from 5-7 PM.

South Orange-Maplewood Coalition to Stop the War
Contact: Amy Higer
Telephone: 973-544-6182
Activity details: March and Rally Against the War in Iraq through Maplewood Town Center on Sunday March 19th, starting at noon. March will begin at noon at the Maplewood Train Station (town side). We will march down Maplewood Avenue, turn left on Baker Street, left on Valley Rd., left on Oakland Rd., left on Dunnell Rd. and return through town to Ricalton Square for a rally at 1:30. Rally will feature speakers, songs, student essay contest winners, and open mike. Please check our website for more details:

South Orange
Windows on Haiti
35 Fairview Avenue South Orange NJ 07079
Contact: Guy Antoine
Telephone: 973-761-5864
Activity details: Raising awareness about US Haiti, Caribbean, Latin America, and World policies; the war of agression against the poor; the exploitation of all the world's resources to create wealth for a few.

Union County NJ Peace Council
181 Tudor Oval Westfield NJ 07090
Contact: Diane Beeny
Telephone: 908-233-7344
Activity details: Will help promote and enlist people from the Union County NJ area to participate in NYC march and events - travelling into NY on the "Peace Train" (along the Raritan Valley RR line). Hope to coordinate this with some sort of local commemoration.
Meeting Info: Next meeting TBA - We usually meet at the First United Methodist Church of Westfield at 1 East Broad Street. We will be hosting a free film there - "The Future of Food" on Friday, Feb 10th at 7:30 PM (documentary by Deborah Koons Garcia about effects of genetic engineering by large corporations on our food supply). With (non-GMO)refreshments and post-film discussion. All are welcome.

New Mexico

Stop the War Machine
Contact: Bob Anderson
Phone: 505-858-0882
Activity Details: Gather on Saturday, March 18 at 11 am at UNM Bookstore, site of police riot three years ago. March down Central Ave to Sen Domenici and Rep Wilson's offices, then onto to Robinson Park, 8th and Sentral SW for end rally.
Meeting info: Contact us at 505-268-9557

New York

Buffalo/WNY International Action Center
367 Delaware Ave
Buffalo, NY 14202
Activity Details: Rally: Bring All the Troops Home Now
Saturday, March 18th, 4 PM, Lafayette Square, Downtown Buffalo

Flushing Quaker Meeting
137-16 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY 11354
Contact: Naomi Paz Greenberg
Activity Details: Prayer vigil for peace at the Armed Svces Recruitment Center 36-40 Main St., Flushing, NY Saturday, March 18, 12:15--1:15 in the afternoon. We offer messages of peace to the people inside and to passers- by. No political messages or signs insulting persons, groups, political parties or countries. #7 train to the last stop, Main St/ Flushing, then walk 3 1/2 blocks north toward Northern Blvd. Recruitment Center is on the left side of Main St. If you can't find us please call Naomi Paz (718) 757-2823.

Golden's Bridge
Question Authority
101 Park Road Ext., Golden's Bridge, NY 10526
Contact Steven Warshaw
Telephone: 914-767-0007
Question Authority will be proudly marching with NoWar Westchester in White Plains, NY @ 1:00 PM on March 18th. See for the specs. Gather at the park at Main St. & North Broadway in White Plains for a grassroots march and rally to protest Bush & Cheney's war.

Long Island
Long Island Troops Out Now Coalition
Activity details: March 18th Protest at the Armed Forces Recruiting Centers 280-282 Front Street, Hempstead from 10-11 AM, then leave by LIRR to get to TONC Rally at Times Square

New York City
39 West 14th Street, #206, NY, NY, 10011
Activity Details: March 18 1 PM Rally at Times Sq. (41st & Broadway), followed by a march to the U.N.

Meetings: Get involved in building for March 18 every Tuesday evening at 7pm. Weekly Activists Meetings, anti-war updates, speakers, videos. Air conditioned and refreshments are served. Come by the office any day or evening and pick up stacks of March 18 posters, stickers and leaflets.

Harlem Tenants Council
contact: Nellie Hester
telephone: 212-234-5005
Activity details: Harlem's message to the Republican and Democratic Parties: Our children will not be cannon fodder for your WARS!!!!!!!!!!!


@125th Street and Lenox Avenue

11AM TO 12PM


Call 212-234-5005 for addditional information or email

contact: Kawal Ulanday, Berna Ellorin
Activity details: FILIPINOS IN NYC SAY.... OUST THE FASCIST US-ARROYO REGIME! US TROOPS OUT OF THE PHILIPPINES, IRAQ, PALESTINE, & ELSEWHERE! NEVER AGAIN TO US-SPONSORED MARTIAL LAW IN THE PHILIPPINES! March 18th Pre-Times Square Assembly in front of the Philippine Consulate. Join Anti-War Filipinos and US-based allies in condemning the number one supporter of Bush's War in the Pacific and number on enemy of the Filipino people-- US Puppet (and fake) President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Short program and consolidation of Filipino contingent before march to main Times Square mobilization. Organized by BAYAN, NY Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines, and Anakbayan Filipino Youth for more info, email
When: Saturday, March 18th, 11am-12pm Where: In front of Philippine Consulate, 556 Fifth Avenue, between 45th and 46th Street in Manhattan What: People's Assembly and short program condemning US puppet Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's all-out support to US Imperialist War of Aggression. Demand end to US/State-sponsored terrorism in the Philippines and total withdrawal of US troops in the Philippines.

DAMAYAN Migrant Workers Association
contact: Ana Liza Caballes
406 West 40th Street, 3rd Floor, New York NY 10018

El Barrio/East Harlem
contact: Not4prophet
Activity Details: Come join the people of El barrio/East Harlem to demand the removal of the u.s. military from our community(s):
Friday, March 17th, from 12noon to 2PM, and then 6PM to 8PM
103d St. (between Lexington & Park aves)
(Take the number 6 train to 103d Street and then turn/walk left)

Northern Manhattan Neighbors for Peace & Justice
Activity details: March 18th - Special counter-recruitment picket of our weekly picket at the recruiting station at 181 between St. Nicholas and Audobon (11:30-12:30pm) culminating in a march through the Washington Heights Neighborhood (down St. Nicholas and up Broadway). Emphasis on 3rd Anniversary of the War and Latino community's response.

Queens Anti-War Committee, Jackson Hts
718 393-7583
Activity details: Picket the new Army Recruiting office, Sat. March 18, 11 am, 82nd & Roosevelt, Jackson Heights, Queens (7 train to 82nd St.)
Meeting info: Next organizing meeting: Thurs., March 9, 7pm, at The Renaissance School, 35-59 81st St. (corner of 37th Ave), Jackson Hieghts, Queens. QAC meets every 2nd & 4th Thurs. of the month at 7pm at the Renaissance School.

Olean Area Coalition for Peace and Justice
205 W. Ohio St., Olean, NY 14760
Contact: Chris Stanley
(716) 372-4232
Activity Details: Stand at corner of State Street and Union Street from 1:00-2:00 on Saturday, March 18, then drive to Buffalo for their 4:00 rally. Signs will be available at the site, along with materials to make your own.

Peace Train Coalition
87 Ferris Pl, Ossining, NY 10562
Contact: Don Debar
914 945-0815
Activity Details: Go to your local RR station at 9am on March 18 and bring signs, friends and local press. Demonstrate for an hour then take the train into NYC for the big demo.
Organize members of your local community for a strong showing on March 18.

North Fork People of Conscience
PO Box 1330,Southold, NY 11971
Contact: Pat Hovey
Telephone: 631-765-4612
Sunday, March 19th from 2-5 pm. at Vail-Leavitt Music Hall, 18 Peconic Avenue in Riverhead, New York 11901 (telephone 631 727 5782).
North Fork People of Conscience will be marking the third anniversary of the Iraq war:

  • Honor the Fallen, the Memorial of more than 120 photographic panels showing the faces of US soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan will be displayed on the walls and balconies of the Hall. The Memorial will be open for viewing at 1 pm.
  • On the program are two films and several speakers:
    • OCCUPATION: DREAMLAND, directed by Garett Scott. The documentary follows Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon from the 82nd Airborne Division patrolling and securing Falluja, Iraq, in 2003 and 2004 prior to the major insurrection that cost heavy American casualties to retake the city.
    • RECRUIT ME, a short film by Matt Dadonna, a North Fork high school student.
    • Michael Harmon, a recently returned Iraqi Vet and member of Iraq Vets Against the War, who was deployed as a combat medic with the 4th Infantry Division.
    • Carmen Trotta, a well known Catholic Worker activist
    • John Phillips, a retired NYPD officer who was arrested for protesting in Senator Hillary Clinton’s office
    • Joe Giannini, founder, East End Vets Against the War

To raise funds for producing more panels to reflect the mounting dead, NFPOC will be selling t-shirts, bracelets and postcards, designed for the event by North Fork artists.
Tickets available at the door: $10 for adults; $6 for senior citizens and students.

Westchester County
No War Westchester
255 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., White Plains, NY 10601
Jane Mercaldi
(914) 682-4690
Activity Details: Gather at 1pm at the intersection of Main Street and North Broadway in White Plains (Tibbetts Park) for a grassroots march and rally to protest the war. Organize a group from your community, religious, labor or civic organization to MARCH to say NO to occupation in Iraq and YES to peaceful alternatives which include respecting international law, human rights and the due process of law. More details at
Meetings every other Wed. or Thurs., call for details

North Carolina

Action Center For Justice
Charlotte, NC
Contact David Dixon
Telephone: 704-492-8527
Activity Details: Contact for details.
Meeting Info: Contact for details.

March 18th Committee
223 Hillside Ave Fayetteville NC 28301
Contact: Chuck Fager
Telephone: 910-323-3912
Activity Details: Third Annual March 18 March and Rally against the Iraq War to give REAL Support for the Troops! We are in Fayetteville, the home of the largest military base in the USA, Fort Bragg. We will have a stage with speakers, music, poets and actors. We will have a large fair and many activites for kids (and grown ups). There will be great food! Movies and events on Friday before and possibly Sunday after
Meeting info: Contact Chuck Fager at Quaker House for all details.

Syndi Holmes Campaign & Lloyd Presbyterian Church
1051 Bear Crk Ch Rd Mocksville NC 27028
Contact: Syndi Holmes/Rev. Laura Spangl
Telephone: 336-499-1057
Activity Details: Morning Activity to be announced. Afternoon activity: Women's Conference to build political action and unity. (Men welcome, also.) THE COMMON GROUND OF SISTERHOOD: INTEGRATING FAITH AND VALUES INTO A COMMON POLITIC
Afternoon conference to be held at Lloyd Presbytrian Church on Saturday, 18 March 2006, 1-3 PM at 748 N. Chestnut Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Raleigh F.I.S.T. (Fight Imperialism! Stand Together!)
2619 Mayview Road
Raleigh, NC 27607
Contact Yolanda Carrington
Telephone: 919-784-9301
Activity Details: Contact for details


Peoples Fightback Center
Activity Details: Contact for Details

Central Ohio Peace Network
Contact: John Wallace
Activity Details: Saturday, March 18th, 2006, 2:00-3:00 PM. Statewide Rally for Peace, End the War, and Bring the Troops Home Now! Events will be from Friday, March 17th through Monday, March 20th including marches, the convening event(s) at the statehouse, and direct actions. Gather at St. John’s (59 E. Mound St.) and at the Free Press Offices (Del Monte Building-Suite 10, 341 S. 3rd @ Mound St.) for a march to the rally at the Statehouse. We will step from there at 1:30 PM. Buses: Drop off point: We suggest that buses drop off passengers at by 1:00 PM between 3rd and High to gather for the march to the statehouse. Buses can park anywhere around the Statehouse until 5:00 PM. Area churches have offered space, if needed. For more information, contact Tabling: Organizations who wish to table at the rally, please contact: (indicate TABLING in the Subject) by March 11th. The cost is $10.00. Please let us know if you are interested in organizing a local group, neighborhood, or colleagues to march from a location, perform street theater, or hold an event. If you can house out-of-towners for a few nights, please contact us. Check for details that will soon be posted at Sponsored by Central Ohio Peace Network (COPN).

Portage Peace
Activity Details: 3rd Anniversary of the War, Rally, march and vigil. March 19th,2006. Speakers at 5pm, followed by a march thru downtown, followed by a 1 hr candlelight vigil. We have signs and candles, or bring your own. Everyone welcome. At the gazebo at the corner of Main and Franlin.

Wilmington Peace People
Contact: Larry Gara
Telephone: 937 382 3569
Activity Details: Will hold an antiwar vigil on the 18th. Call or email for details.


Oklahoma City
AntiWarFair Coalition
1824 N. Purdue Pl, Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Contact: Lisa Ghariani
Activity Details: Speakers, Music, Booths, Kids Events, Sign Rally Day of Peace!
Saturday, March 17 @ Memorial Park in Oklahoma City, OK (N. 36th & N. Classen Blvd) From 12noon to 4pm
Meeting Details: meet 2nd Monday of every month- call for details


Veterans for Peace
3740 SW Western Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97333
Contact: Leah Bolger
Telephone: 401 826 0592
Activity Details: Peace March in Corvallis on March 18


Lepoco/Lehigh Peace Coalition
314 W. 4th Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Contact Tim Chadwick or
Activity Details: Three Years After the Start of the War in Iraq: 3 Years = Too Much Human Suffering
Sunday, March 19, 2006 End the Occupation 3:00 - 4:00 pm Community Vigils for Peace
ALLENTOWN Cedar Crest & Tilghman, Judy Woodruff 610-437-5314 The Armory, 15th & Allen, Jeff Brightbill 610-776-0238 Emmaus Ave.& 4th St., Michelle Mecham 610-351-6815
BETHLEHEM Washington & Center Streets, Donna Hartmann 610-865-5204 3rd & Wyandotte Sts., Guy Gray 610-865-9050 Main & Broad Sts., Mimi Lang 610-866-2407 Army Recruiting Center,19 E. Elizabeth Ave., Donna Hartmann 610-865-5204 Unitarian Church, Center & Wall Sts., Crafford Harris 610-253-2306 8th Ave. & Broad St., Terry Briscoe 610-867-6116
BANGOR The Triangle S. 4th St., Anna Maria Caldara 610-599-9985
EASTON, Centre Square, Reggie Regrut 908-859-5632
EMMAUS, The Triangle, 4th & Main Sts., Karen Poshefko 610-965-5086
HELLERTOWN, at the fountain, Main St., Melissa Moser 484-851-3570 JIM THORPE, outside Carbon County Courthouse, Jill Robbins 610-509-2544
NAZARETH, Center Square, Rev. John Clint Fowler 610-746-5013
NEW TRIPOLI, the post office, Peter Crabb 610-298-8289
PENNSBURG, at Rts. 29 & 663, Jim Fillman 215-234-8319
PHILLIPSBURG, Main St. & Free Bridge, Emil & Pat Brisson 908-454-9455
SCHNECKSVILLE/OREFIELD, Peter Wernsdorfer & Helen Scheerens 610-799-4134 4:30 to 6:00 pm Student March & Rally For Peace Arranged by a coalition of Lehigh Valley Colleges & Universities Muhlenberg College Commons on Chew St, Marching to Cedar Beach Park, Allentown 7:30 pm Muhlenberg College Candle Vigil Against the War Parents Plaza Under the Shankweiler Bridge @ Muhlenberg For more information Call Lepoco Peace Center at 610-691-6730 (snow, rain or shine)


570-523 6059
Contact John Cooper
Activity Details: Vigil 12-1pm 301 Market St. Lewisburg, Post Office steps Saturday 18 March

Philadelphia IAC
813 South 48th St
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Contact Betsey Piette
Activity Details: Honk Against the War - March 17th, 4-6pm. in various Center City locations and neighborhoods. For information contact Phila. Int. Action Center.
Local meeting details: Philly IAC meets Tuesday nights, 7 pm at Calvary Church, 48th & Baltimore.

Scranton Chapter, Fellowship of Reconciliation
P.O. Box 42, Scranton, PA 18501
Contact Susan Hanley
Activity Details: 7:00 PM Sunday, March 19, 2006 ay Courthouse Square in Scranton, PA
Iraq Requiem - We will gather to mourn the loss of life in Iraq, with luminaires, prayers, music and prayer.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Progressive League
7 Rhode Island Avenue, Newport, RI 02885
Telephone: 401 841-9198
Contact: Gracious Audette
Activity Details: There will be a peace protest and observace of the third anniversary of the Iraq War at Eisenhower Park, Washington Square, Newport, RI at 12:00 noon on March 19. The event will feature speakers and local musicians.

Peoples Assembly/Asemblea Popular
1043 Broad Street, Providence, RI 02905
Telephone: (401) 270-5618
Contact: Bill Bateman
Activity Details: Saturday March 18: Buses to Boston Regional Demonstration. Tickets $20 round trip. Gather 8:30am @ DARE 340 Lockwood St. Providence Call/Email NOW for reservations:(401)270-5618

South Carolina

Thinking People
1131 Harborgate Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464-3409
Contact: Merrill Chapman
Telephone: 843 200-1977
Activity Details: END THE WAR ACTION Saturday, March 18th 2006 11:00am-1:00pm On the 3rd Anniversary of the “Shock and Awe” Invasion of Iraq demonstrations will take place in cities and towns across the U.S. and around the world, including in Charleston. We will gather on the steps of the US Custom House and add photos of the lost servicepeople and Iraqis to a line. At 12noon we will walk, in silence, with the line of photos, through the market. The event will conclude at the US Custom House.

The Jericho Movement for U.S. Political Prisoners, NION/SC, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
231 W Antrim Dr
Greenville, SC 29607
Telephone: 864-239-0470
Contact: Efia Nwangaza
Activity Details: 3/17 Fri. Anti-Recruitment Billboard unveiling and alt educational financing leafletting,Malcolm X Ctr,321 W.Antrim,6:00pm Info: 864-239-0470 3/18 Sat. Screening: Baghdad street,home,hotel and hospital scenes, lectures and interviews taken by Efia Nwangaza during her January, 2003 visit,Malcolm X Ctr,321 W.Antrim,1:00-6:00pm Info: 864-239-0470 3/19 Sun. 2400 candle candlelight vigil, local speakers, Piazza Bergomo, 6:30 pm
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm Weekly

Rock Hill
RHFACTOR Rock Hill For ACTion to Organize Resistance
Telephone: 803 324-2568
Contact: Mary Keenan
Activity Details: We will pool or combine with Charlotte to go to Fayetteville March 18 (Saturday) on a day trip. As a separate action, we will pool to rally in Charlotte at Independence Park 2:00pm March 19 (Sunday).


United for Democracy & Justice
P.O. Box 71606, Chattanooga, TN 37407
Telephone: 423.622.4138
Contact: Joy Day
Activity Details: Join the Majority--End the War Now! March and Rally Saturday, March 18 3:00 PM, Meet at Coolidge Park (Frazier Avenue). March to Miller Park (Market Street at MLK Blvd.) for rally, 4:00 PM Chattanooga, TN 37401
Meeting Info: Pilgrim Congregational Church 400 Glenwood (near Memorial Hospital) Chattanooga, TN All meetings at 4:00 PM Feb. 12, Feb. 26, March 5, March 12

Knoxville Area Coalition for Compassion Peace and Justice
Contact: Bob Grimac
Activity Details: March 18 Anti-War and Pro-Peace Action. West Town Mall, corner of Kingston Pike and Morrell. 11 am - 1 pm.

Mid-South Peace and Justice Center
1000 S. Cooper, Memphis, TN 38104
Telephone: 901.725.4990
Contact: Jacob Flowers
Activity Details: Three Years Too Many
Global Day of Action For Peace in Iraq and Justice at Home
Sunday March 19
Gather at First Congregational Church at 1pm, 1000 S. Cooper
March step off 1:30pm
Rally at Overton Park 2pm
Meeting Info: Join the Memphis Pro-Peace Movement
Volunteer Now!
Meetings Feb 16th and March 2nd & 16th
7pm, 1000 S. Cooper



Austin Against War
Contact: Eddy Gary
Activity Details: Million Musician March for Peace--begins at 11:30 AM at the Federal Building, 8th and San Jacinto, marches to City Hall Plaza. Speakers: The Rev. Peter Johnson, Civil Rights leader and cohort of MLK, and Diane Wilson, author-environmentalist and co-founder of Code Pink. Participants are asked to bring a musical instrument of any kind.
Meeting Info: Mondays at 7PM, basement, University Baptist Church.

North Texas for Justice and Peace
Contact: Stephanie Frizzell
Activity Details: March 19 march through downtown Dallas with a rally of speakers and music at the destination.

Dallas Peace Center
4301 Bryan St., #202, Dallas, TX 75204
Contact: Trish Major
Telephone: 214-823-7793
Activity Details: END THE WAR NOW & BRING THE TROOPS HOME! Rally & March. 2:00 pm - March 19, 2006, St. Paul United Methodist Church, 1816 Routh St., Dallas, TX 75201 The rally will begin with music and speakers, and a march to the Federal Building in Downtown Dallas will follow.

Denton Peace Action
Contact: Dawson Tunnel
Activity Details: Three Years Too Many! Meet on the Courthouse square in downtown Denton at 11am on Sat. March 18th. We will march at 12:15.

Peace and Justice Network
Contact: Walt Harrison
105 Waits Circle, Garland TX 75043
Activity Details: Friday afternoon Camp Casey dallas vigils at the office of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison; 02/15/06 Flowers to Kay Bailey for forgiveness for not stopping the war; 03/19/06 Downtown Dallas march and rally against the war!
Planning organizing a coalition of Texas activists and working the 03/19/06 downtown Dallas march!

Galveston Peace Action Network
PO Box 1392 Galveston TX 77553
Telephone: 409 740-1339
contact: Mark Muhich
Activity Details: Galveston Peace Action Network Saturday March 18, 2006 12 p.m. - 2 p.m, US Army Recruiting Office 4100 Seawall Blvd Galveston TX

Troops Out Now Coalition
c/o S.H.A.P.E. Community Center, 3815 Live Oak, Houston, TX 77004
Contact: Gloria Rubac
Telephone: 713-503-2633
Activity Details: Saturday March 18, 2006
11:00 AM, Sat., March 18, Protest outside the V.A. Hospital, corner of Old Spanish Trail and Almeda. Rally from 1:00-3:00 at the Dominican Sisters' Center, 6501 Almeda. Live music by the Free Radicals, spoken word, and featured speaker Malcolm Suber, Peoples' Hurricane Relief Fund Steering committee.
- From New Orleans to Baghdad, Stop the War at Home and Abroad!
- Money for Jobs, Healthcare, Housing and SchoolsNot War!
- Build Levees, Not Bombs - Rebuild the Destruction from the Persian Gulf to the Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas Gulf Coast!
- Stop the Illegal Surveillance Overturn the Patriot Act!



Salt Lake City
Green Party of Utah
P.O. Box 58802, Salt Lake City, UT 84158
Contact: Tom King
Telephone: 801-502-8556
Activity Details: Friday, March 17, 5-7pm ~~ Love America: End the Iraq War ~~ Rush Hour Sidewalk Picket!!
2700 South State Street (in front of the Army Recruiting Station) info: Info, 801-502-8556
Saturday, March 18, 2006 ~~ Love America: End the Iraq War! ~~ noon to 3pm # Gather at Pioneer Park at noon (400 South 300 West, southeast corner)
# Peace March to Washington Square
# Rally at East side of City County Building at Washington Square
Information: 502-8556 or



Virginia Anti-War Network (VAWN)
Contact Garrie Rouse
Activity Details: Friday, March 17th - Activists will join Larry Syverson and others from noon until 1PM, to show support for his ongoing, weekly vigil outside the Federal courthouse on East Main Street(between 9th and 10th Sts). Syve