Sept 22- 29 Encampment & Sept 29 National March on Washington
How you can help
Encampment Schedule
September 29 March Schedule
Encampment Site Map
Tents and Tables at the Encampment
Public Transportation in DC
Bus Drop Off
Car Parking
How you can help
Drivers & Cars
Legal CALL FOR MEDICAL WORKERS for the S29 and ENCAMPMENT As part of the preparations for the encampment and the march and rally, we are asking for volunteer health care workers who are doctors, nurses, first aiders and medics to assist at the first aide tent at the encampment and at the demonstration on Saturday.
We will have a bus at the back of the march that will pick up people who are unable to walk the march route. This vichicle will have water and first aide equipment. There will be an orientation the morning of the march.
If you are able to help out please call the International Action Center at 212-633-6646 and ask for or leave a message for Sharon Eolis. You may also email
Eolis RN/FNP
Housing is desperately needed for encampment participants. City policy prevents participants from actually sleeping on the campsite. Therefore, we need to find free and cheap housing in/around DC for the period of the encampment, in order to make participation in the encampment as broad as possible.
If you can share any space (bed, floorspace, sofa/bed) in your apartment, house, organization or other space, please email If you are unable to email, please call (917) 279-9720.
Please try to include at least the following information in your email:
* Your Name & Email
* Your phone (& best times to call)
* Your location
* How many people you can house, and what dates
(We mainly need housing starting 9/21, but may need some housing earlier for key organizers)
Other helpful information:
* Nearest Metro line/station
* Sleeping conditions
("i.e. 1 queen bed plus floorspace for 3 sleeping bags")
* Other considerations
(i.e. "I have cats/dogs", "It is a 4th-floor walk-up", "Not near any public transportation", etc.)
Attention drivers with vehicles:
If you live in and/or are familiar with the DC-metro area, your help is greatly needed. We will need experienced drivers during then week, to help transport people to/from motels, food from restaurants, equipment, and various other events. If you have availability during the encampment, to help out with this task please contact us at <> with the following information:
* Your name and email
* Your phone(s) and best times to call
* Your Availability to drive from 9/21 to 9/30
* Your vehicle type / how many it seats
* Storage space in vehicle.
Other helpful information:
* Your location / distance from Downtown DC
Even if you do not have much time available, but can make your vehicle available, we would greatly appreciate it, as that would greatly reduce rental costs.
Request for Legal Support
The Troops Out Now coalition has requested legal support from the
progressive legal community for their encampment & march in Washington DC from
Sept 22-29 . We especially need legal observers for the Sept 29th march.
If you are available to be in DC anytime during the or be on-call, or have additional questions, please contact Imani Henry with your availability and contact information. There is a need for on-call attorneys the entire week, but
especially on the 29th.
Hundreds of anti-war activists are expected to come to Washington DC to participate in the encampment from Sept 22-29. Many will have traveled long distances to participate and many have very little money for food for the week. We need food donations to feed the encampment participants.
We are asking for donations of non perishable food, ie. boxes of granola bars, protein bars, and other snacks that are individually wrapped. Beverages such as individual bottles of water, soda or boxed or canned juice. We are encouraging anyone driving to the encampment to bring bulk food items of any quantity to share with others.
If you live in The DC, MD, VA and belong to a union, church, school or organization that is connected to local restaurants, caterers, or food vendors, to help provide HOT MEALS OR BULK FOODS for the encampment -- this would be a tremendous contribution! We have no cooking facilities and no refrigeration so food has to be eaten at meal time. If we have food left over or dry good we plan to donate it to a homeless shelter.
CONTACT: Sharon at please remember to leave your name, email, number and the best time to reach you
Request for Legal Support
The Troops Out Now coalition has requested legal support from the
progressive legal community for their encampment & march in Washington DC from
Sept 22-29 . We especially need legal observers for the Sept 29th march.
If you are available to be in DC anytime during the or be on-call, or have additional questions, please contact Imani Henry with your availability and contact information. There is a need for on-call attorneys the entire week, but
especially on the 29th.
Weather Forecast Average temperatures for Washington DC during the week of September 22-29 are: highs in the mid 70's , lows in the upper 50's. Click here for updated weather forecast
Buses and other Transportation to Washington
We now have more than 75 organizing centers in 32 states, and more than 100 buses already scheduled.
- See an updated list of organizing centers
- If you are organizing a bus, van, or cars from your area, let us know here.
Encampment Schedule
Saturday, 9/22 & Sunday 9/23
Help erect scaffolding for a giant billboard demanding: 'Congress: Stop Funding the War - Fund Peoples' Needs.' Music and work at the site on tents, canopies, and displays. Crews will be doing outreach throughout neighborhoods in the DC/Baltimore area with sound cars and leafleting brigades.
Monday, 9/24 & Tuesday, 9/25
Actions demanding:
- Impeachment of Bush & Cheney for War Crimes
- Stop War on Iran - action and a strategy meeting on Emergency Network to focus on the growing threat of a U.S. attack on Iran
Wednesday, 9/26 - Turn up the heat
Actions TBA in the halls and offices of Congress to confront their political complicity in the war - Funding the war is a war crime.
Thursday, 9/27 - Stop the War at Home Day
- Katrina survivors from New Orleans & Immigrant Rights activists from around the country organizing actions challenging FEMA & ICE. Events at the Encampment focusing on funding people's needs, not war.
Friday, 9/28 - Youth actions challenge military recruiters, war funding & police repression. 'Money for Education, NOT War.'
- Join Evening Vigil with SiCKO cast members at the Lincoln Memorial to remember those who died because they were denied health care.
- A concert of hip-hop and spoken word at the Encampment with BAYAN Philippine Alliance to oppose U.S. military in the Philippines.
Other actions & meetings TBA. Set up, banner & sign making, outreach & organizing all day.
September 29 March
11 am - Gather in front of Capitol - More than 100 buses, along with vans and car caravans arriving at the Capitol.
Pre-Rally at the Encampment Site - Music, speakers, spoken word
12 noon - Opening Rally
1:30 pm - March Steps Off
6 pm - Music, spoken word, food, and organizing - at the Encampment Site
Encampment Site
Your help is urgently needed!
Help with organizing and mobilizing for the Encampment to Stop the War and the September 29 March on the White House. In the next few weeks, we need to print tens of thousands of leaflets, rent sound equipment, prepare placards and banners, rent buses, and so much more. Please consider making a generous donation to help with these enormous expenses. |

Encampment site is on 3rd St. between Independence and Constitution Ave., directly in front of the Capitol Building.
Download map of Encampment Area, including location of important buildings and offices in the area here.
Download subway map here.
Tents and Tables at the Encampment & March
During the week of the Encampment, grassroots and community organizations from across the U.S. are planning to set up tents to highlight various struggles and issues. If your organization is interested in setting up a tent at the Encampment or a table at the September 29 rally, contact us.
Public Transportation in DC
Interactive Metrorail System Map
Metro fares are at least $1.35 per passenger - more if you are traveling longer distances. Fare cards may be purchased from machines located at each Metro Station. The maximum change given is $4.95, so make sure to bring small bills, or you can pay with a credit or debit card.
Bus drop-off info
Bus drop off: west side of 3rd Street between Constitution and Independence (which is at the site of the Encampment to Stop the War)
Bus pickup: same location (may extend on to Independence if needed).
Buses should make their own parking arrangements at Union Station garage, 40 Massachusetts Ave NE (3 blocks from the rally and march site). Union Station information: 202-371-9441.
Car Parking
504 13th St NW (btwn E & F St)
Open 10am midnight. Cost is $9.
Only cars max height 5’6”
National Place Parking
580 13th St NW (btwn E & F St)
Open all day. Cost is $9 flat rate. Cars only
Inter Park
730 13th St NW (btwn G & H St)
Open 10am 8pm. Cost is $7.
Cars only max height 6’8”
1820 L St NW
Open 7am-6pm. Cars $4
1401 H St NW (btwn 14 & 15th St)
Open 7am 10pm. Cost is $6.
Only Cars max height 6’7”
MidTown Parking
1750 K St NW (btwn 18 & Conn.)
Open 8am-4pm. Cost is $5. Only Cars
Intern Parking
1455 F St NW (btwn 14 & 15th St)
Open 12 noon 12 midnight. Cost is $15 all day.
Only cars max height 6’8” |
1220 E St NW (btwn 12 & 13th St)
Open 7am 12 midnight. Cost is $11.
Only cars max height 6’2”
Central Parking System
1773 I St NW (btwn 17 & 18th St)
Open 10am -3am. cost is $7. Only cars
Central Parking System
1609 I St NW (btwn 16 & 17th St)
Open 24 hours. Cost is $16. Only cars
MCM Parking
1618 I St NW (btwn 16 & 17th St)
Open 8am 5pm. Cost is $8. Only cars
Colonial Parking
607 14th St. NW.
Open 8am 1am. Cost is $10.
Only Cars max height 6’8”
Central Parking System
1530 L St NW
Open 8am -10pm.
Cars $15 / Vans $20
Monument Parking
1828 L St NW
Open 7am-7pm
Cars & Vans - $3
Train Information
MTA/MARC 1-800-325-7245
METRORAIL 202-637-7000
Park Police will not allow anyone to actually sleep at the Encampment site, although we will maintain a conitnuous presence at the site, 24-hours a day.
If you have not yet made arrangements for housing
Sleeping space is available at St. Stephen's Church, St. Stephens Church (1525 Newton St, NW, - corner of Newton St and 16th St). This space is available every night during the Encampment, with the exception of Wednesday, September 26. Requested donation is $5.00 per person.
Online map here
Downloadable map here
Other housing in the DC area:
Motel 6
6711 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington, DC
Price: $70, 75, 79 (depends on day of the week)
25 double bed rooms, 20 king size bed rooms left
Located 1 mile from metro (Takoma Park on the red line)
Howard Johnson
600 New York Ave. NE
Washington DC
Phone: 202-546-9200
Price: $99.95
0.5 miles from the NY Ave. metro (red line) Brickskeller
1523 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC
Tel: 202-293-1885
Price: $75 single with shared bath, $94 double with shared bath
Located between P & O Sts., 2 blocks from DuPont Circle metro (red line).
Availability uncertain
Comfort Inn of Tysons Corner (VIRGINIA)
1587 Spring Hill Rd.
Vienna, VA 22182
Tel: (703) 448-8020
Price: Sun-Thur: $169 for 1 double bed, $189 for 2 double beds; Fri-Sat: $74.99 for 1 double bed, $84.99 for 2 double beds (Fri-Sat rates are considerably cheaper)
Located 10 miles from downtown and 5 min. schuttle to metro.
Americana Motel (VIRGINIA)
1400 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
Tel: 703-979-3772
Fax: 703-979-0547
Price: $85 for single, $100 for double.
includes continental breakfast.
1.5 blocks from metro
Metro station: Crystal City (blue line) Super 8 Motel
501 New York Ave. NE
0.5 miles from New York Ave. metro station on red line
Parking available
$90 for 1 double bed, $100 for 2 double beds
Woodley Park Guest House
2647 Woodley Rd., NW
Washington, D.C.
Tel: 202-667-0218 or 1-866-667-0218
$90-100 for a single (5 available), $145-200 for a double (13 available)
Located one block from metro.
Days Inn & Suites (MARYLAND)
9860 Washington Blvd
Laurel, MD 20723
Phone: 301-725-0769 (reservations)
Price: $99+tax/night
Free Breakfast, High Speed Internet, Fitness Center, Pets allowed
7 miles from College Park metro on the green line
Allen Lee Hotel
2224 F St. NW
Washington DC
Phone: (800) 462-0186, (202) 331-1224
Price: $69+tax (single w/private bath), $72+tax (1 dbl bed w/private bath), includes continental breakfast
3 blocks from the Foggy Bottom metro station on the blue/orange line
Street parking at Columbia Plaza and across the street
Adams Inn
1744 Lanier Place
Washington DC
Tel: 202-745-3600
Rate: $99 per room (shared bath), $129 for one person, $10 for each additional person
Price includes continental breakfast
2 night minimum if Saturday is reserved
Located 7 blocks from metro.
5 parking spaces, $10 per night
Tabard Inn
1739 N St. NW
Dupont Circle metro on the red line
$98 for a single, $107-137 for a double with a shared bath, $140-202 for a private bath
Includes breakfast
Bragg Towers (VIRGINIA)
99 S. Bragg St.
Alexandria, VA
(703) 354-6300
Price: $99.95+tax with 2 queen beds, $94.95 with 1 queen bed
Located 15-20 minutes from downtown/1.5 miles from Van Dorn metro (blue line)
*Can accommodate 2 buses.
Howard Johnson ( MARYLAND )
(next to Ramada Limited in College Park)
9113a Baltimore Ave.
College Park , MD 20740
Phone: 301-513-0002
Price: $89
7 min. bus to metro / $3 per day parking for cars
Ramada Limited ( MARYLAND )
(next to Howard Johnson in College Park)
9113 Baltimore Ave.
College Park , MD 20740
Phone: 301-345-4900
Price: $89
7 min. bus to metro
Braxton Hotel
1440 Rhode Island Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: 1-800-350-5759 or 202-232-7800
Fax: 202-265-3725
Price: $69-99 single, $99-125 double, $109-179 2 doubles
Located 5 blocks from Dupont Circle metro (red line)
Campgrounds Cherry Hill RV Park (MARYLAND)
9800 Cherry Hill Road
College Park, MD
Phone: (301) 937-7116, (800) 801-6449
Make reservations online at
Price: $52/night, for 2 people and vehicle, includes sewer, electric, water, cable TV hook-up
3 miles from both Greenbelt and College Park metro stations on the green line, shuttle to metro provided
Duncan's Family Campground (MARYLAND)
5381 Sands Rd., Lothian, MD
Phone: (800) 222-2086, (410) 741-9558
Price: $33/night full hook-ups, many discounts (AAA, etc.); RVs, cabins are $41/night, Camping is $31-35 per night, Tents are $26 per night, 2-room cottage is $46 per night
21 miles to DC, 25 min. drive to metro park & ride, or van to metro, $2 roundtrip
Aquia Pines Camp Resort (VIRGINIA)
3071 Jefferson Davis Highway
Stafford, VA
Phone: (540) 659-3447
For reservations:
Price: $41-52 for 2 adults and 2 kids
45 min. from the Arlington Cemetery parking lot where you can get the metro into DC
Hostels / etc.
Hilltop Hostel
300 Carroll St. NW
Washington DC
Phone: (202) 291-9591
Price: $22/night, includes tax and linens (private rooms also available), no curfew/lockout
50 meters from the Takoma Park metro station on the red line
Washington International Student Center
2451 18th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Tel: 202-667-7681
No. of beds: 30
Free transport from bus and Amtrak Station. Close to downtown DC. Internet Access. Ten minute walk to metro. Kitchen, Lockers, Free breakfast. Free Parking. Near Bus and Metro. No curfew.
Shalom Place, Saint Lukes Methodist Church
3655 Calvert St. NW
Washington DC
Phone: (202) 333-4949, ask for Jamie
Price: 24 beds at $25/person/night, 2 large dorm rooms (1 for men and one for women, 12 beds in each room)
Also large meeting room, kitchen and parking lot
Near a bus stop, not metro accessible
10 min. by bus to White House
First Trinity Lutheran
4th and E. Sts., NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: 202-737-4859
Price: $20. per person
50 mattresses
Groups of 10 plus only with 1 representative
Located across the street from Judiciary Square metro (red line) Steinbruck Center for Urban Studies
1226 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington DC
Phone: (202) 667-1377
Price: $20 per person per night plus a $50 key deposit
There is a limit of two sets of keys per group in the hostel. The deposit is refunded upon safe return of the keys and evaluation of cleanliness after use.
Can house 30 in bunk beds
1 mile from the White House
Center for Educational Design
821 Varnum St., NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-635-7987
Price: $30 per room, with shared bath
20 rooms (total), all with shared bath
Reservations are taken only for groups of 6 or more; please have 1 person call to make the reservation for the entire group, there are no individual billings
15-20 minute walk to Brookland/Catholic U. metro (red line)
Hostelling International-Washington D.C.
1009 11th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: 202-737-2333
Fax: 202-737-1508
Price: $32 members/$35. non-members.
Includes continental breakfast.
No. of beds: 120
Located 3 blocks from Metro Center (blue/orange/red lines).
International Guest House
1441 Kennedy St. NW
Washington DC
Phone: (202) 726-5808
Price: Single $35, double $60; kids 6-16 are 1/2 price; shared bathroom, includes continental breakfast
12 beds, Mennonite-run, closes at 11 pm.
Next to bus stop, not metro accessible
International guests receive priority
William Penn House
515 East Capitol St. SE
Washington DC
Phone: (202) 543-5560
Price: $40 per person per night
Breakfast is served daily. Linens are provided. Rooms are shared.
Near the Eastern Market metro station on the blue/orange lines and the Union Station metro station on the red line
No availability on the 14th, some on the 15th and 16th
Centro Maria Residence
650 Jackson St., NE
Washington , DC 20017
Tel: 202-635-1697
Price: $50. per person includes breakfast
6 rooms available (single rooms, shared bath)
12 midnight curfew
located 3 blocks from Brookland/Catholic University metro (red line)
Susan Tripodi's Guest House
6th and East Capitol Sts.
Phone: 202-554-4315
Price: 3 doubles with 2 twin beds each, $90 per night, 2 night minimum
Near Eastern Market metro (blue/orange lines)