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"The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that the USA needs to spend $1.6 trillion over five years to put its infrastructure - which includes some 590,000 bridges - in good condition."
Money for Bridges and Cities, NOT War! Sept. 29 in DC
On October 1, Congress is scheduled to authorize over $100 billion for continued war in Iraq, and estimates for the long term costs of the war are over $2 trillion. Already more than $500 billion has been spent.
Meanwhile, as the tragedy following this week's collapse of a bridge in Minneapolis reminds us, we face daily danger from our collapsing infrastructure. This includes, not only 590,000 bridges, but roads, rail lines, subways, levees, preparedness for natural disaster emergencies, schools, hospitals, etc.
Almost five years of U.S. occupation has destroyed the cities and towns of Iraq, killed more than 1 million Iraqis, created 4 million refugees (2 million displaced inside Iraq and 2 million refugees in nearby countries) left 70% of the population without potable water, electricity, schools or hospitals. Almost 4,000 U.S. GIs have died, many thousands are injured and maimed.
Billions spent for endless war means that there is no money to provide more than 40 million people in the U.S. with health care. It means that our cities are collapsing, our schools are not preparing our youth, our seniors are abandoned. Only the prisons and police repression are growing.
JOIN US on Saturday, SEPT 29 in a massive march from Congress to the White House to demand that the billions spent for War in Iraq be used to rebuild the crumbling cities of the U.S., rebuild the bridges and the highways, hospitals, schools, fire stations, utilities, parks, recreation centers and much more. This would mean millions of jobs and providing those with new skills.
Join us in a week long Encampment right in front of Congress (September 22 -29) to expose the real cost of Endless War and to demand that Congress use its constitutional authority to stop funding the war.
Despite overwhelming opposition from the people and a clear mandate to end the war, members of Congress from both major parties have continued to vote for more funds for the war, while robbing people here, who need money for healthcare, affordable housing, jobs with a living wage, schools, and much more.
Join with forces who are demanding funds for the rebuilding of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast and to demand full rights for immigrant workers. Join with organizers from Healthcare not War Campaign and with activists calling for the Impeachment of Bush and Chaney for War Crimes.
Together we will demand Bring ALL the Troops home NOW!
An Encampment in Los Angeles during the same week - SEPT 22 to 29 will help to highlight this issue. -
Buses, vans and cars are coming from around the country and from a city near you. Momentum for the Encampment to Stop the War (Sept. 22-29) and the March on Washington (Sept. 29) is growing, with Organizing Centers in 47 cities , more than 65 buses scheduled and many more expected. The list of endorsers is growing daily, with more than 1,000 organizations, community groups and organizers.
Click here to find a local organizer near you.- http://troopsoutnow.org/sept2907orgcents.shtml
Click here to become a local organizer. - http://www.troopsoutnow.org/sept2207volunteer.shtml
What you can do to help:
Endorse the Encampment to Stop the War and the March on Washington: http://www.sept29.org/
Download leaflets and distribute them in your school, workplace, union hall, community center, church or mosque, etc.: http://troopsoutnow.org/S29now.pdf
Donate to help with organizing expenses: http://troopsoutnow.org/donate.shtml
Become a local organizer : http://www.troopsoutnow.org/sept2207volunteer.shtml
Volunteer : http://www.troopsoutnow.org/sept2207volunteer.shtml
Troops Out Now Coalition
55 W. 17th St. #5C
NY NY 10011