The War is "Sicko"
Vote No War Funding

Troops Out Now Coalition blog
Troops Out Now Myspace
Encampment to Stop the War - Myspace
Encampment to Stop the War Blog
Sept. 22 - 29
September 29, MARCH AND RALLY
Bring the troops home now!
Full rights for immigrants!
Money for schools, hospitals, mass transit and housing !
s5274 W Pico Blvd, Rm 203 (five blocks west of La Brea)

Download Leaflets and posters
Stop the War at Home and Abroad!
Troops Out Now!
Impeach Bush & Cheney for War Crimes!
End All Occupations -- from Iraq to Palestine to Haiti to the Philippines!
Endorsers include: * Rep. Cynthia McKinney; World Can't Wait; Cindy Sheehan; Al-Awda NY/NJ - The Palestine Right To Return Coalitio; Gold Star Families for Peace; Camp Casey Institute; Not In Our Name; Green Party of the U.S.; Medea Benjamin, CoFounder of CODEPINK: Women for Peace; Donna Smith, from the movie SiCKO; Carlos & Melida Arredondo, People United For Peace/El Pueblo Unido Para la Paz; Ann Wright, Army Veteran, career State Department officer; David Swanson, co-founder of After Downing Street, director,; Fernando Suarez del Solar, founder of Proyecto Guerrero Azteca por la Paz; Bishop Filipe C Teixeira, OFSJC; Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General; Brenda Stokely of the NYC Solidarity Committee For Katrina / Rita Evacuees; Jonathan Hutto, Appeal for Redress; Pam Africa, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; Sarah "echo" Steiner, Green Party of the U.S. National Co-Chair; Ron Kovic; Liz Arnone, Co-Chair, NJ Green Party; Abayomi Azikiwe, Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice; Jack Balkwill, Chair, Liberty Underground of Virginia; Teresa Dawson, Coordinator, MFSO Central Ohio; Joan Gibbs, Jericho Movement; Efia Nwangaza, Founder/director, Afrikan Amerikan Institute for Policy Studies & Planning; Jose Luis Diaz, President, Casas las Americas; Leslie Feinberg, author and activist; Teresa Gutierrez, NY May 1 Coalition for Immigrant Rights; LeiLani Dowell, FIST (Fight Imperialism - Stand Together); Berna Ellorin, BAYAN USA; Ben Carroll, UNC SDS; and hundreds more. >>updated list of endorsers
*organizations listed for ID purposes only
Since mid-April, when the Troops Out Now Coalition issued a proposal for a week of action in Washington DC in September, activists from across the U.S. and worldwide have contacted us to support the proposal and to volunteer to help with this major mobilization. >>read more

Spring Encampment to Stop the War
for photos, video, and audio reports from the Encampment, go to Encampment blog at

June 16 National Antiwar Strategy Meeting
More than 100 anti-war organizers, including many students and youths, labor, community and immigrant organizers, veterans and GI organizers gathered June 16 at the Solidarity Center in New York City for the standing-room only National Antiwar Strategy and Planning Meeting. They came from as far away as California, Cleveland, North Carolina, New Orleans and Boston to discuss the need to move from protest to resistance and build a grassroots movement to stop the war. >>Report from the June 16 National Strategy Meeting
Encampment Update
Listen to John Parker, from Los Angeles, on why we're marching and occupying Washington DC and Los Angeles, Sept 22-29
August 25th: The People's March for Peace, Equality, Jobs & Justice, Newark NJ
August 25th: Video Message from Larry Hamm AUGUST 25: Kennebunkport, ME - Weekend of Solidarity to End the War!
AUGUST 18: BlackWaxx fundraiser
NEW! Calendar of September Protest Actions
S29 Momentum Grows!
40+ Org Cents in 23 states - find one near you!
Money for Cities & Bridges NOT War!
Unite! September 29 Coalition for united antiwar action.
July 27: Declare Yourself!
Drive Out the Bush Regime!
July 23 :- Impeach Bush & Cheney for War Crimes
On a Journey for Humanity By Cindy Sheehan
The war is "SICKO" too...another reason to march on Sept 29th
July 4: Unity with Mumia Abu-Jamal and All Resisters! Join us in Philadelphia
Tell the Denver City Council: We Demand Our Right to Protest at the 2008 Democratic National Convention
June 20 - Stand in Solidarity witht the Bolivarian Revolution
Defend Cindy Sheehan
June 16 Regional Antiwar Conference
May 17 - Mumia Abu Jamal
May 1 - Support the Struggle for Immigrant Workers' Rights
A Call for Solidarity Encampment to Stop the War (Spring) - see photos, videos, and more
Protest Bush's veto - Don't let the Democrats veto the antiwar movement
Report from the February 17 No More Money for War Day
Sign the Vote No War Funding Open Letter to Congress
Stop War on Iran
Troops Out Now Coalition response to Bush's State of the Union
Summit maps out strategy opposing U.S. wars at home, abroad The elections are over--back to the streets - a call for a massive united demonstration on March 17 2007 in Washington DC
Lebanon Rising: video filmed by delegation to Lebanon
August 5: No Justice, No Peace--U.S. Out of the Middle East
Haditha: A National Call to Action
May 1, 2006 Immigrant Rights Demonstration
Support for Transit Workers Strike
March 18, 2006 report
March 18 call to unite around the demand for the Immediate, Complete, Unconditional Withdrawal of all occupying forces from Iraq!
Dec. 1 Rosa Parks National Day of Absence Against Poverty, Racism and War
Camp Casey
March 31, 2005 Unity Call
March 19, 2005
>>more |